Thursday, November 28, 2013

Bundle up

Bundle up because it is getting cold, on this winter day.

Fall has left and winter is in full swing. 
It is sometimes hard to look cute when you are trying to keep warm. So here are my tips to you. 

1. Pick a cute scarf and a pair of gloves 
2. There are cute warm winter coats, so chose one that complements your skin tone.
3. Pick a nice pare of snow boots, or rain boots with sock inserts 
4. Find a hat that covers your ears that you like. Most of your body heat is lost through your head
5. Try not to worry too much on how you look, just try to stay warm.

My favorite winter essentials and deportment stores are below. 

Warm up and have a cup of tea, till next time


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The perfect little gift

What is the perfect little gift?

During these holiday season I found myself looking for the perfect little gift to give to my friends and family.

I am always looking for items that are, not to expensive, are small, and are perfect for there personalities.

Here are some of my favorite perfect little gifts.

The link to the shop or where I found the item, is below the picture.

The stores where the items can be purchased are from , Anthropologie, J.crew, and Bobbi Brown.

Enjoy :)


London Butter High Tea collection
From: Anthropologie
Bobbi Brown Holiday Lip Collection
From: Bobbi Brown
Can be purchased:

J.crew scarf
From: J.Crew

Good Hair day set
From: Anthropologie

Good Hair day set ( same pic. as above)
From: Anthropologie

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's Funny Bunny Monday !
Hello to all my readers :)

It is that time again. It's Funny Bunny Monday.

Here is my fact for you to start your monday off.

Fact: The worlds largest bunny is named Ralph and he eat more than $90 worth of food a week. Ralph weighs 55 pounds.

If you would like to reed more about Ralph click or copy the credit link below.

Have a great Monday:)



Friday, November 22, 2013

We have hit 1,106 views
1,106 views of The Urban Bunny Blog, way to go guys. 

I have had 1,106 views of my blog from all over the world.

This is awesome, and I wanted to thank you all for viewing The Urban Bunny Blog.

So what would like to see be posted?

What was your favorite post, and what was your favorite kind of posts?

I would love to hear from you. Feel free to post in the comment section below. 

More posts are coming soon.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Burt's Bees Lip Gloss

Recently I purchased Burt's Bees new lip gloss, after hearing about from my mom.

It is glossy, but not too sticky, like lip gloss can sometimes be.

Burt's Bees lip gloss come in 12 shades and costs $9.00 and can be purchased at Walgreens, Target, and
I know that is pricey for lip gloss, but it is truly worth it.

The 2 shades I bought were Rosy Dawn (which is a light pink) and Starry Night (which is a plum burgundy).

My favorite so far has been the Starry Night. I have fallen in love with the dark lip color since the clothing I wear has a plum tones.

On another note, from the last post that was posted a few days ago, the over sized sweater is almost done. So keep checking back.

Feel free to comment below, as well as tell a friend.

-The Urban Bunny Blog


Monday, November 11, 2013

Funny Bunny Monday
It's Funny Bunny Monday !

You probably don't know what that means.

Starting today, every monday, I will search the web and find and cute bunny photo and fact about bunnies to post. First one is below !

You will for sure start monday off well :)

So Have A Happy Funny Bunny Monday.

Please comment below to tell me if you like the idea !



FACT: Rabbit whiskers are as wide as the body (so they can feel their way in tunnels and not get stuck) 

- See more at:

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Over Sized Sweater

The over sized sweater is one of my favorites.

During the fall and winter season, I always seem to gravitate towards the brother/ over sized sweater, on cold days.

The sweaters that I have posted below are example of sweaters that we can replicate .

Soon, I will be posting how to take one of your favorite over sized sweaters, and making one of your own, with some pre-knitted fabric.

Stay Posted



The last few months I have been really busy, and I am sorry. I have done a bad job posting, and I will do much better.

Lately I have visited school, been busy with school work, and had made costumes for our school play.

I will soon post some awesome pictures of the costumes that I have constructed.

I want you to know, I have not forgot about you, and will be posting soon.